Monday 25 February 2013

First Sem 2 animations

These are the first few animations i have created during semester 2 
This first animation was the first animation i had done after coming back from the holidays
i need to improve on trying to get my drawings the same size and all roughly finished so the animation flows better.

This was an animation done in my spare time when one of the drawings lessons was cancelled, i wanted to practice drawing body proportions starting from the basic structure to adding muscle then to adding in a few details. 

Sunday 3 February 2013

Animations from drawings (Sem 1)

This first animation was done from my head studies of drawing the skull, the movements are jerky, the heads are not all the same size and the background was not the same because of the drawings being all on one page.

This next animation is better because i cut the background and made the drawings the same size so they flow better. This was the last animation from semester 1.

This animation includes work from my body proportions lesson but, because i had to draw fast to capture each pose it meant that my drawings were not all the same size and so the animation looks jerky like the first.

Quick sketches (Sem 1)

This shows i have practised trying to draw faster and still get good proportions. This practise will help me become a better observer.

Head studies (Sem 1)

These drawings show the breakdown of how to draw the skull, detail would be added last.

Using Plastacine (Sem 1)

These photo's show a maquette that i created using plastacine, i learnt that animators would use these to help draw a character from any angle. 

 These next few photo's show a skull with details of the muscle structure, this is for use in the future to understand how the face moves.  

Line per energy (Sem 1)

This is where i tried to draw people with good proportions using one line at a time to give them force and direction.

Hands (Sem 1)

These drawings show my work on hands, where i had to break them down into basic shapes to get good proportions.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Gesture drawing (Sem 1)

These are my gesture drawings showing that i used similar techniques like before such as drawing with looking down at my paper. 

Facial proportions (Sem 1)

These were my attempts from the very first lesson at getting the right proportions on other peoples faces. I attempted to use my pencil to measure the proportions e.g. the space from ear to ear.  

Character drawing (Sem 1)

These are my character drawings from homework and classwork. I looked at people in different poses and exaggerated the scene they were in.

These next drawings are looking at one profile  of a person and creating many different characters, in this case a nurse. 

Body proportions (Sem 1)

These are my attempts at drawing body proportions. I used different techniques like drawing left handed and drawing without looking down at my paper.

Animals (Sem 1)

These are drawings of wild and domestic animals using both pencil and pen.
Each drawing was done in only a few minutes due to the animals moving.